Friday, June 10, 2011

Frugal Father's Day Ideas

 Father's Day is just around the corner and I'm broke. However, I do like to make my hubby feel special on Father's Day. So eventhough I can't afford to buy him a Nook or the latest video game I plan to make the most of celebrating the fact that he is a wonderful father. It's a good thing he doesn't read this blog because I'm about to tell you everything we have planned for his special day.

1. Clean out His Car ( I am planning to wake up earlier than he does on Father's Day and have the kids help me clean out his truck. When we are done I think we will leave a note on the steering wheel letting him know what a great daddy he is)

2. Homemade T-shirts ( I am going to buy a pack of plain white t-shirts and let the girls loose painting whatever they want to on the front and then put their handprints and their names on the back)

3. A Gift Basket from the Kitchen ( I am going to buy a few packets of those cheap Betty Crocker cookie and bread mixes, some slim jims, make some homemade salsa, and possibly a few other things and load up a basket, wrap it up, and hand it over)

4. A Day Off ( In addition to all of this Daddy will have a whole day off. Trust me ... he will enjoy this one. )

Here are some other ideas just for you and yours!

1. Crown him King Dad ( Have your children make a crown and decorate it and then on Father's Day have a special ceremony and crown him King Daddy)

2. Photography ( Go to a professional or take photos of the kiddies yourself and then have the children decorate special frames just for Dad to display the photos)

3. Start a Fund ( Most of us have the thing that we've always wanted, but could never afford. Have your kids decorate a mason jar with acrylic paints, cut a slit in the top big enough for change to fit through, donate some money, and present it as a savings bank towards that truck or boat that your dad has always wanted!)

4. Lunchtime Goody Bags ( If your dad takes his lunch to work everyday make up a week's worth of goody bags for him to take with him to work everyday. You can include cookies, candies, trail mix, soda, or any of his favorite snack foods.)

Happy Father's Day!