Don't Sweat It is a personal project inspired by the book Don't Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson, Ph.D. It is a written account of my journey towards being a less stressed and more laid back individual, mother, friend, and wife. These entries are written solely for my personal benefit. A way to separate myself and look in from the outside ... if you will. I invite you to follow my journey, my trials, my successes, and my failures. If you too are entertaining the idea of beginning a personal self help project please consider this blog an inspiration rather than a guideline. I am learning and discovering with you. This is going to be amazing.
It Starts} The Rage
Operation CAPE (creating a positive emotional environment) Part 1
Operation Cape .... Part 2
Think Like a Child
Forgive Your Flare-Ups
It Starts} The Rage
Operation CAPE (creating a positive emotional environment) Part 1
Operation Cape .... Part 2
Think Like a Child
Forgive Your Flare-Ups