Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Rage .... or why I picked up the book in the first place.

After staring at the screen for an eternity and juggling different ideas on how to begin this in my head ... I've decided to start simple. The Happiness Project is something I really want to get started on, however, it's also very complex and something that I want to approach logically, with a full understanding of what direction I need to take to satisfy my resolutions. Therefore, I am beginning with baby steps and focusing on Not Sweating It.
Let me just begin by saying that those of you that know me on very personal level know that I am quck to anger. Have you ever read anything about the rage? Yes .... that is me. I anger easily. More easily than I should. Although, I am quick to forgive and forget, my actions ... or reactions rather ... in the moment of anger are for the most part inexcusable. This is something I have struggled with for quite some time. Only now ... it's not just me struggling with it .. it's my loved ones as well. I am attempting to make myself more aware of when I am getting angry and to calm myself down before I react. I have been put on anti-depressant meds as well, and they help, but they do not eliminate the issue. I need to learn to be angry in a healthier way and to control that anger.
This very issue is what led me to the bookstore one afternoon, no children in tow, just time for moi. As I sat sipping my cinnamon dulce and reading through the newest Candace Bushnell I looked up and realized that I was directly across from the self help section. I thought, "that is what I need .... self help." So I grabbed my books and my coffee and  sat directly in the middle of the aisle. I pulled and thumbed through around a dozen books while sitting there. Chicken Soup for the Military Wive's Soul, The Secret, some Dr. Phil jargon, and then I noticed a group of tiny little books with the title, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff." That was interesting. I thought ... maybe that was IT. Maybe my anger was so intense because I  stress out over absolutely EVERYTHING. I rubbed my index finger along the title of the different books in the series and found, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff ...With your Family". I picked it up ... opened it somewhere in the middle ... to a page that read in big bold letters Forgive Your Outburts. We had a winner!
Since I brought the book home a little over a month ago I have to admit ... I haven't read much of it. I occasionally pick it up ... put it down ... reread what I've already read ... and so on.
Do I think that this book is going to be the resolution of my anger problems? That would be ridiculous. However, it is a start. For the next few weeks, months, or years (Hopefully Not) I am going to be taking each chapter of the book and breaking it down. Incorporating each idea into my own personal life and then reporting  ... on this blog ... my successes, my failures, my experiences, and my thoughts. If not for your entertainment, then a way to evaluate myself and progresses. A way to make it real. Put it into action.
The First Step .... Creating a Positive Emotional Climate. See you tomorrow. :)

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